Financial Success Strategies

Words stating Financial Success Strategies laying in a pool of money with swimming goggles.First Things First: Don’t we all want to be financially successful?  Here are a few tips to get us on the Path to Success with money, honey.  First things first, these tips are in order.  Talking about tips and orders are making me hungry – lol!  Tithing, budgeting, saving, and investing are all actions we can take to be financially successful.

Embrace the Art of Tithing: Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds! If you can’t tithe right away, start slowly.  Malachi 3, commands us to tithe.  Tithing means setting aside 10% of your income for your local church. It’s like paying it forward with your cash, ensuring that good vibes (and hopefully good returns) come your way. Plus, it’s a tax write-off sometimes—bonus!  When we honor God, He honors us (1 Samuel 30:10).

Get Your Budget On Point: First things first, you gotta know where your money’s coming from and where it’s going. Sit down with your bank statements and maybe a strong cup of coffee (or three) and figure out your monthly ins and outs. This is your chance to see where you can cut back on those late-night pizza deliveries and redirect that dough to more important stuff—like your future yacht fund. (Punny!!)

Invest Wisely (and No, Not Just in Lottery Tickets): Now, we’re not saying you can’t throw a few bucks at scratch-offs for fun, but real investing means putting your money to work. Think stocks, bonds, mutual funds—stuff that grows over time like a well-tended garden. Start small if you need to, but always keep an eye on the long game. Compound interest is your new best friend.  Investing in a home may be the best investment we can make.

Speaking of squirrels, I use Acorn App as one of the ways I invest.  The app, rounds purchases to the nearest dollar, investing the spare change.  I also have monthly deductions taken out as well.  Watching my money grow on the app on my phone is my favorite.  You can enjoy this as well, find my affiliate link: HERE.

Save Like Your Future Self Depends on It (Spoiler: It Does): Building a safety net isn’t just for squirrels. It’s for you, too! Aim to stash away at least 10-20% of your income into a rainy day fund. Emergency car repairs? Covered. Spontaneous trip to Bali? Maybe not on that fund alone, but hey, it’s a start. Automate your savings if possible, so you’re not tempted to dip into it for that new gaming console.

Remember, financial success isn’t about being Scrooge McDuck swimming in a pool of gold coins (though that’d be kinda cool). It’s about balancing your money mojo with smart choices, giving back where you can, and planning for the future like a boss. So, go forth and conquer those budgets, investments, savings, and tithing goals—your wallet and reaping a harvest will thank you later!

If your finances need prayer, please complete our prayer form.  We are here for you!  Please find the attached budgeting worksheet for you.

Monthly Women Encouragement Budget Worksheet

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