Sleep routines help us achieve optimum rest. I wanted to take a moment and share my favorite sleep routine with you.
When the planets align just right, and my kids are self reliant (a girl can dream, right?)… I can fulfill this routine. It doesn’t happen every single night, but this is my goal.
Shut It Down
First, for a good night’s sleep, I turn off my electronic devices two hours before I go to sleep. For those two hours, I try to stretch, have some great talks with family members, and prepare for the day ahead.
Bore Me
Secondly, I try to read a boring book. Most self help books fit the bill. I want to relax and not get over stimulated.
Wash On, Wash Off
Thirdly, I shower. Using lavender body wash and lotion is my favorite! (Young Living sells excellent ones). I try to relax and soak in the hot water. After I shower, I spray magnesium spray on the bottom’s of my feet.
Fourth, I lay in bed and read my Bible. I want God’s Word to be the last thing on my mind. It’s light’s out at this point. As I fall asleep I try to set my gaze on Jesus. I fall asleep thinking of his love for me.
This is when I pray. I sure don’t pray long at this time. Gratitude fills this time as I drift off to sleep, thanking Him for the day behind me.
A Few Extras
Other things that give me a great night’s sleep are: my register fan that makes noise, my ceiling fan that keeps me cool, noise lessening/light blocking drapes, and my wonderful comforter that always keeps me the right temperature. I keep the temperature in our house between 64-68 degrees year round. Sleeping in cool temperatures helps me greatly.
What is your favorite sleep routine? I will post Bible verses to pray over ourselves when we sleep soon.
If you need prayer for your sleep, please complete our Prayer Request Form. Please comment too. I love interacting with everyone! You are loved. You are cherished. May deep sleep be yours! Be blessed.